What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can work on three areas of health care:
1. Promotes good health and well-being
2. Prevents illness
3. Treats various symptoms and illnesses
In the US, in past three decades, acupuncture has become more and more popular initially by its safe and effective relief in pain and addiction conditions. In 1993, the FDA classified acupuncture needles as medical device. In China, acupuncture has been used continuously over at least two thousand years to treat a wide range of health conditions. Some conditions treated commonly and effectively are as follows:
- Orthopedic problems, which include tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and other tendonitis, many degenerative arthritis, sport injuries, post accident injuries, occupational injuries
- Neurological disorders, which include most type of headaches, post-herpetic abnormal sensations, Bell’s palsy, post-stroke paralysis, sciatica pain, many forms of pinched nerves.
- Neuro-psychiatric problems, which include anxiety, panic attacks, depressions, tension, stress and insomnia.
- Digestive system problems, which include acid reflux, abdominal bloating and other discomfort, constipation, diarrhea.
- Some other conditions which also respond well to acupuncture include: early stage high blood pressure, infertility (non-organic problems), post surgery pain, some type skin problems, low immune resistance, fatigue, substance addictions.
Does acupuncture really work?
Yes. Using acupuncture to treat diseases has a recorded history of more than 2000 years in China. Today acupuncture is practiced widely all over the world. In United States, a panel of National Institute of Health(NIH) endorsed use of acupuncture in November, 1997. The panel concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for certain kinds of pain and a variety of other conditions. Scientific research suggested that certain effects of acupuncture are mediated through the nervous system, within which B-endorphin and other neuro-peptides have been implicated.
What are the needles like? What will I feel during the treatment?
Acupuncture needles are tiny and made from stainless steel. The needle insertion is not painful. In this clinic, all needles are sterile and disposable. Most people say there is no pain when the needle is inserted. If any needle causes pain, I will make an adjustment, or even withdraw that needle.
Is acupuncture safe? Are there any side effects to the treatment?
Acupuncture is very safe. First of all, only sterile disposable needles are used. Conventional techniques are strictly observed in the clinic. This eliminates the possibility of cross infections.
Usually, there are no side effects. Occasionally, patient may experience drowsiness, or a bruise at the point site.
Can I take acupuncture treatment and continue my regular medication at the same time? Should I continue to see my doctor?
Yes to both. Acupuncture treatment can be given at the same time you take other medicine and/or other treatments. In any case, we encourage you to continue regular visits to your primary physician and to let all your health care professionals know that you are recieving acupuncture treatments.